5 Ways to Get Over the Fear of Confrontation

  • January 16, 2023
  • 5 min Reads
6 ways to get over the fear of confrontation

A concern of confrontations affects almost everyone occasionally in life. Being a social person and connecting with others go hand in hand. Therefore, while some anxiety before engaging in difficult talks is normal, feeling fear of confrontation to the point where it prevents you from speaking up can cost you in more areas than one.

It need not be frightening to confront someone in an authoritative but respectful manner. In fact, you may discover that others value your opinion and are willing to effect change for the better. So, how can you overcome your fear of conflict?

Why am I so afraid of confrontation? 

Underlying fears of confrontation frequently result from:

  • Being concerned that you won’t be able to communicate your message.
  • You might be concerned that you’ll appear silly in front of others.
  • A desire to satisfy the wants of others, even at the sacrifice of one’s own.
  • A worry that you’ll be forced into supporting someone else’s answer, even if you disagree.
  • Fear of getting angry or dealing with other intensely unpleasant emotions, such as anxiety or a sense of being out of control.

Childhood experiences may be the root of some of these causes. For instance, experiencing repeated harmful disputes or confrontations with your family as a child may have made you scared to approach others with challenging topics.

What is conflict anxiety? 

Conflict anxiety can cause you to worry before, during, and after a confrontation, or it can cause you to avoid them altogether. For instance, perhaps you avoid having difficult but essential conversations regarding relationships.

Even after someone has mistreated you or your property, you could decide not to inform them that you feel upset. Beneficial communication can be hindered by conflict anxiety because most personal or professional relationships include a fair amount of conflict.

For your relationships to hold steady and sincere, it’s imperative that you enter a conflict in a healthy mental state and leave it feeling energized and heard.

Ways to overcome the fear of confrontation

  1. Overcome Your Need for People-Please
  2. Remind yourself of the potential benefits
  3. Have fun while confronting
  4. Keep practicing one small step at a time
  5. Do your research in advance of a tough discussion

1. Overcome Your Need for People-Please 

Confrontation anxiety is more about you than the other individuals you interact with. Using lower-stakes interactions with individuals or situations is empowering to practice using your voice.

Even though you could do what they are asking of you, saying “no, I won’t” or “sadly, I’m unable to carry through on that right now ” is a very effective strategy when the risks are high.

You could feel a little uneasy about disappointing your important person, but after you try it, you’ll see that you have control and that they will accept your reaction.

Additional Read

Why is Attitude Everything?

2. Remind yourself of the potential benefits

You could find it easier to concentrate on attaining the best result rather than obsessing over your fear of conflict if you can identify precisely how a confrontation will enhance your circumstance.

For instance, if you need to face a coworker, keep in mind that by resolving your issues, you could both be able to benefit from a more peaceful work atmosphere. Making a list of the benefits of approaching someone, even though it will be challenging, could be helpful.

Prepare some potential solutions.

3. Have fun while confronting 

The only way to receive what you want is to actively ask for it and believe that you need it. Even though you do not influence what the other side brings, you still have to ask if you want something.

You will continue to receive what you have been receiving if you carry on as you have been. So why not approach conflict with more fun and lightheartedness? It has been demonstrated that laughter has the capacity to improve mood, reduce stress, and even deepen interpersonal relationships.

4. Keep practicing one small step at a time

The art of confronting someone exceeds the science of it. In certain situations, what works well may not work in others. But as you gain experience, you’ll learn when to speak openly, how to accomplish it, and the most efficient ways.

Make little, incremental progress with your efforts. Confronting a concern of confrontation becomes easier with practice, just like addressing any fear. It becomes less terrifying as you assert yourself more. Pick a safe individual to confront first if you decide not to speak up to everyone nearby.

You could wish to start with a dependable friend or relative who you know won’t lose their cool. Taking care of a small issue means you’ll feel more confident about assertiveness in future circumstances.

5. Do your research in advance of a tough discussion

Before a conflict, doing some study can assist you in remaining focused on your intended outcome, which will help you keep calm and make your point. If you’re concerned that you won’t be able to speak clearly during a challenging conversation, this is a helpful approach.

Imagine you are the director of a marketing division. Two top management members recently hinted that they wish to end your yearly internship program. You disagree because you think it has achieved great success. The three of you have decided to meet, chat, and reach a resolution after a recent contentious discussion about corporate priorities in the break room. They will certainly agree with your points if you present them with statistics or data regarding your performance. This strategy won’t always work because the other person may occasionally base their argument on sentiment rather than reason. However, if you can make a strong, well-prepared case, it might persuade them to see things your way.


Confrontational anxiety can be overcome with practice. Confrontations may occasionally occur in any communication with another individual or group. The effort required to overcome confrontational fears is worthwhile. It is impossible to completely avoid conflicts at work.

However, utilizing an empowerment approach, clearing up misunderstandings as they occur, and providing evidence to support your claims can help you resolve conflicts amicably. It all comes down to starting small and applying the above advice.

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