How to be Optimistic Even When the Odds are Against You?

  • October 17, 2023
  • 6 min Reads
How to be optimistic

Optimistic & positive thinking – we have usually heard a lot about it. But, many people have this mindset towards life. 

According to a recent study that tracked 70,000 women from 2004 to 2012, optimistic women were much less likely to pass away from several leading causes of mortality, including cancer, heart disease, stroke, infections, and respiratory disorders. 

Positive thinking has also been shown to improve physical health, reduce depression, increase energy, improve stress management, and lengthen life expectancy.

It’s not magic and thinking positively won’t solve all of your issues. It will, however, help you view issues more realistically and face adversity in a more upbeat and constructive manner. 

The good news is that everyone can learn how to be more optimistic when the odds are against you. Here are six suggestions to get you going

How to be Optimistic? Explained 6 proven strategies!

  1. Be Optimistic about the situation
  2. Practice Gratitude
  3. Inspire yourself with a smile & positive reminders!
  4. Maintain boundaries with negative people & news!
  5. Involve yourself in positive self-talk
  6. Don’t ignore your negative thoughts

‘Optimist’ is a term used to describe someone who concentrates on the positive aspects of a situation. Optimists anticipate positive outcomes, while pessimists anticipate negative outcomes.

However, optimism does not mean completely overlooking the problem; it involves accepting that setbacks are unavoidable, if frequently temporary, and that you have the talents and capacities to overcome the problems you encounter.  

What you are going through may be unfavorable, but you must remain hopeful about the future. Optimism will instill a sense of optimism and the trust needed to capitalize on the opportunities that do exist fully.  

Positive thinking seeks solutions, whereas negative thinking focuses on problems and barriers. That being said, being an optimist does not guarantee that you will be able to handle life’s obstacles. It’s much easier to overcome obstacles in life when you have an optimistic view and a positive mindset.

To know more about being optimistic even when the odds are against you – keep reading!

How to be Optimistic? Explained 6 proven strategies! 

1. Be Optimistic about the situation 

You should challenge your pessimistic beliefs and assumptions if you want to become more upbeat and hopeful. 

Positive psychologists state, “Studies have revealed that pessimists and optimists perceive and explain identical circumstances differently. 

A pessimist would think, for example, if a coworker frowned during your presentation, “That person doesn’t enjoy me or value what I have to say.” Yet, an optimist could conclude, “That person must be extremely exhausted or having a terrible day.”

Therefore, the next time you see yourself making assumptions about other people or situations that don’t add up, try coming up with opposing arguments. You can conclude that more evidence supports a positive assessment when you consider other hopeful explanations.

2. Practice Gratitude

Counting your blessings, which include everything from pure water and good food to shelter and family, can instantly uplift your spirits. 

You can even generate a thankfulness journal in which you jot down everything that makes you smile during the day. If nothing else, pause, smile, and express your gratitude for all the blessings in your life. However, acknowledging your thankfulness to others is beneficial.

One of the most important strategies for developing optimism and a good view of life is to practice appreciation. You can consciously turn your attention from what could be lacking or negative to the richness and goodness in your life by concentrating on what you have to be grateful for. 

3. Inspire yourself with a smile & positive reminders! 

You’ll get the worst outcome if you prepare for the worst. Things will annoy you if you let them to. However, smiling will make you feel better. According to studies, smiling broadly can activate a portion of your brain that genuinely elevates your mood and increases your sense of hope for the future.

Maintain an optimistic outlook on life and remember that everything is achievable if you put in the necessary effort.

4. Maintain boundaries with negative people & news! 

Pessimists, whether referred to as “whiners” or “toxic,” tend to drain the positive energy from the room. Setting up appropriate boundaries with individuals who consistently prefer to sulk in their unhappiness is crucial, particularly if they lack empathy for other people. 

Aside from avoiding negative people, you should also avoid bad news and information. You should consider restricting the amount of media you consume for the same reason. 

Your capacity to keep an optimistic attitude may be affected by excessively watching tragic news stories on television or reading political news on social media. It would help if you were well-informed but not overwhelmed. 

5. Involve yourself in positive self-talk

We are often our own worst critics and the hardest on ourselves. It may eventually lead to the formation of an unfavorable self-perception that is difficult to overcome. You must be aware of the voice in your brain and respond to it with encouraging words, sometimes referred to as positive self-talk, if you want to stop this.

Studies reveal that a minor modification in your self-talk can have a significant impact on your capacity to control your emotions, ideas, and actions during stressful situations.

Here’s an example of constructive self-talk: Rather than thinking, “I really screwed that up,” try, “I’ll try it again in an alternative way.” 

Practicing positive self-talk is a crucial habit that can significantly impact one’s self-esteem, mental well-being, and personal growth. It involves actively changing the way we speak to ourselves within our thoughts and internal dialogue. Rather than being overly critical or self-deprecating, positive self-talk encourages us to be kind and supportive towards ourselves. 

6. Don’t ignore your negative thoughts

It is difficult to keep a positive attitude in life when you are going through difficult times, and the odds are against you. You can’t ignore or conceal your unpleasant emotions because what you oppose persists.

Recognizing that awful things happen is the best method to maintain optimism in the face of adversity. It doesn’t help to ignore reality. To figure out how to be optimistic and deal with the challenging circumstances you are encountering, you must remain realistic about your current circumstances. 

Having a positive, grounded perspective on life might help you come to terms with the fact that no matter what happens, all you can do is do your best and that you will be alright.

Rewrite your unfavorable ideas into more realistic statements that will help you keep an optimistic outlook on the future and possible solutions. 

Concluding Thoughts! 

An optimist is someone who believes in opportunities, hope, and a better future. There are a lot of unexpected advantages to being an optimist. According to scientific studies, even in the face of overwhelming odds, having an optimistic outlook on life might help you lead a happier and healthier life.  

Positivity is a key component of being optimistic, especially when things are not going your way. It will help you navigate life’s rollercoaster with ease!   

Positive thinking and optimism go hand in hand. While negative thinking focuses on the issues and challenges, positive thinking searches for answers. Undoubtedly, happiness is directly correlated with your level of optimism towards life.

By putting the six above best strategies into practice, you can successfully navigate through life’s obstacles and difficult periods while maintaining your optimism.

By Divine You Wellness

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