Resilience is the most discussed topic in positive psychology today. It is a sort of phenomenal remedy that tends to heal all the wounds and make the wrongs right. Resilience is not only connected with personality traits but is also related to creating positive outcomes out of tough circumstances. Those who possess the resilience to gain wonderful strength and have the capacity to recover from difficulties quickly.
While facing situations such as adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or stressful situations in relationships, family, health, or financial issues, you stay strong. Psychologists define this as resilience. Profound personal growth is involved in resilience that helps you bounce back.
When difficult or painful events seem to place you in the middle of a storm, resilience doesn’t let you determine the outcome of your life. It helps you to control, modify, or grow with your life. The actual role of resilience doesn’t only empower you but also improves your life in the long run. Resilience teaches you how to pivot.
People who are resilient use their resources, skill, and strength to overcome challenges that caused setbacks in their life. Resilient people also experience stress, hindrances, and difficult emotions but they find a way to solve their problems thanks to having strong support systems. Resilience encourages us to accept whatever the situation is and move forward through it.
Everyone wants to be in control of themselves and of their environments. Teenagers, who are still led by their parents, have less control. This lack of control might hinder their ability to make tactful decisions. Giving them a choice will help them realize that they have some control over their lives. It will also teach them to make decisions that can benefit their lives.
Future opportunities are created by competence, which increases as one develops skills and talents. It boosts self-esteem and increases thinking capacity, which encourages individuals to achieve goals outside of their comfort zone. If we nurture our strengths and talents, we are encouraged to develop new strengths and talents.
10 Reasons you Might be Feeling Like You Don’t Belong
Individuals get a feeling of belonging with the community if they get support from their surroundings. We develop new connections if we indulge ourselves socially in clubs, youth groups, community events, or with family and friends. We are able to get into our comfort zone and can share our interests, hobbies, challenges, and problems we face in day-to-day life. A sense of security is created if we connect in such a way that gives us an invaluable sense of self-worth, purpose, and belonging.
Our personal values dictate who we are and how our personal character and moral character are displayed. In our attitude towards life, we can judge well what is wrong and right. A strong character leads to a confident nature, helping you steer clear of doing wrong. It also builds certainty that makes you believe in yourself regardless of the many disturbances in life.
With life’s ups and downs, it is important to learn how to cope in a healthy manner. Coping helps you navigate through difficult, stressful challenges and emotional situations. However, coping every time is not good. Know when to stand in the heat of the moment, and when to take a reprieve. Healthy coping skills go hand in hand with self-care.
Having a giving nature is usually instilled in us as children. When we learn to share, we are really learning the importance of supporting a community. Helping others or lending a helping hand whenever needed is a form of contribution. It builds a feeling of gratitude or gratefulness within us. When you have a grateful nature, you cultivate positivity inside yourself and around you. If we feel blessed with whatever we have and develop a sense of appreciation we could overcome negative thoughts that weaken our senses. When we possess a healthy and helpful nature regarding our community, we get collaboration or help whenever we are in need of it.
No one is exempt from the lows of life. This is why building resilience is so important for everyone it not only makes you have emotional control but also helps you develop a sense of stability in your life. Parents should foster these habits in children at an early age so that when they become adults, they will have an easier time bouncing back when setbacks come.
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