How to Express your Feelings?

  • November 21, 2022
  • 5 min Reads
How to Express your Feelings

Many of us have trouble expressing our emotions. Some people show their emotions exceedingly, while others don’t do enough. The way we express our emotions shapes our personalities. Your personal, social, and professional lives will benefit greatly from your ability to articulate your emotions precisely and responsibly.

According to some research, you should be direct, express how you feel, and blah, blah, blah. Others advise being thoughtful and careful about your reactions. The truth is that before we express our feelings, we never consider their nature.

10 ways to express your feelings in a healthy manner

  1. Grow From Constructive Criticism
  2. Learn to Recognize Your Feelings
  3. Accept Change
  4. Pay Attention to your Body’s Reaction
  5. Talk to Yourself About It
  6. Stop Seeking Validation for Your Emotions
  7. Choose the Best Situation to Express Yourself
  8. Set Healthy Boundaries
  9. Be Mindful
  10. Stop Overthinking

1. Grow From Constructive Criticism

Constructive criticism may be difficult to accept if you struggle with expressing your emotions. 

It is easy to become defensive and insist that you are right when someone presents a different viewpoint. To avoid losing control, you must learn to appreciate the viewpoint of others.

To receive constructive criticism, be open to hearing observations about your behavior from people who witness it.

2. Learn to Recognize Your Feelings

Once you’ve identified your sentiments and emotions, you need to consider the sensations they cause you to feel. Knowing which behaviors betray you is beneficial.

Create a list of all the emotions you are experiencing and the physical signs each one of them exhibits. Although you could believe that the scenario itself is the source of your anxiety, the real issue is your emotional reaction to it.

3. Accept Change

Accepting the changes that occur around you helps you to express your sentiments in a healthy manner.  Sometimes, things do not go according to plan. The sooner you accept this, the easier it becomes to adjust and move forward.

Those with emotional intelligence can accept the changes in their environment. They are aware of the goal and do not allow their emotions to limit their identity or what they are capable of.

4. Pay Attention to your Body’s Reaction

The midbrain and the neurological system regulate emotions, which are challenging to control when they initially come up. Allow yourself time to let the emotion pass so you can consider it logically and decide how you want to respond. The only thing over which you have control is how you respond.

5. Talk to Yourself About It

The two most common options for people who struggle to express their emotions are to speak to a psychologist or join a group where people have similar issues.

It can be helpful to speak to someone who can help you understand your emotions if you don’t know how to identify them. It can also be helpful to go within and discover the root causes of your emotions at that moment.

Try asking yourself why you feel the way you feel. 

6. Stop Seeking Validation for Your Emotions

It is completely natural to have emotions. Emotions are based on what you’re experiencing at any given time, what is important to you, what the situation means to you, and your physical response to it.

All of these things are valid but must be carefully examined to determine if your emotional response is healthy. Sharing feelings with those who have healthy emotional regulation and receiving their feedback could be a good way to better understand and accept your own feelings. 

However, don’t rely heavily on what others think about you, for everyone has a filter through which they view life; their viewpoint may not be the right viewpoint for you. Sometimes, it is best to sit with yourself, be present, and process what you are experiencing instead of running to someone for a pick-me-up.

7. Choose the Best Situation to Express Yourself

You won’t go far if you pick the wrong time to talk to your supervisor, for instance, if you are having a problem with them and want a productive conversation.

Therefore, consider the circumstance, the people nearby, and yourself when determining the optimum moment. Many people will hold back their happiness until they attain a goal.

The time for joy is now, and having enjoyable experiences has been linked to increased levels of subjective well-being, whether large or small.

8. Set Healthy Boundaries

Expressing your emotions effectively requires understanding when to say “no.” Never feel compelled to help someone else. Know what you can handle and your limits, then start there.

Boundaries help you stay in check while allowing yourself to truly comprehend the motives of others around you.

If a boundary needs to be drawn from the start, do it and follow it. If you don’t like being touched during the conversation, for instance, don’t initiate any touching.

9. Be Mindful

Positive emotions are better because you can regulate your excitement and know your surroundings. It is a different game when it comes to injuries and unpleasant sensations.

Owning one’s emotions and recognizing when they begin to accumulate is mindfulness. What kind of mood were you in, for instance, when it occurred? Did you feel anxious, joyful, or something else? Your capacity to be attentive helps guide your thoughts and emotions healthily and appropriately. 

It has been discovered that mindfulness, whether practiced through meditation, yoga, or deep breathing, fosters optimism, happiness, pleasant emotional experiences, and self-acceptance. Each of these results supports the encouragement of emotional expression.

10. Stop Overthinking

Funny how we can write a two-hour movie script about evil thoughts and feelings but never overthink positive emotions. Stop doing that right away. Overanalyzing kills, exaggerates, and distorts reality.

The simplest way to become entangled in a mentally unstable state is to overthink. When you become overwhelmed with negative thoughts, practice gratitude. Think of something to be grateful for at that moment. 


We cannot function without our feelings since they are integral to our identity. But whether we are bound or free depends on how we decide to express them. Don’t fight your emotions constantly because they are normal.

Try to unwind while you leave them alone. Find another activity to keep your thoughts busy, such as chatting with someone, journaling, or taking a walk.

If you experience intense emotions like fury, try engaging in a demanding sport. That will enable you to let out any inside pent-up resentment and anguish.

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