Anxiety at the workplace affects the quality of life of a person drastically and this is a common affliction with three out of four people experiencing anxiety or stress. This interferes with daily living, affects work performance, work quality, and relations with supervisors, and colleagues. The challenges increase when the physician diagnoses anxiety disorder. Dealing with difficult people and deadlines causes maximum stress at the workplace. Stressed people miss work and the quality falls. As the grievances start collecting the environment turns downright toxic.
With some simple strategies, it is possible to manage stress and anxiety at the workplace. This helps you to remain productive, focused, and calm.
Talk with a co-worker you trust, someone that can sympathize with or relate to your state of mind. Besides a colleague, you may rely on a family member, mental health expert, or friend.
Discussing things with the right people makes the processing of intense emotions simpler. When the listener is understanding and supportive, it validates your emotions and they can give you suggestions and ideas to deal with the situation.
Try time management because trying everything right at once is not the right way to deal with stress. This way, completing your tasks takes longer. Efficient time management keeps you organized so make a list of the things to complete, prioritize these, and take stock of the external factors that interfere with your work.
Break up the big tasks in small portions so that it seems less overwhelming. The good idea is to complete the unpleasant things first so that you can relax later. Always set realistic deadlines based on your experience or you are sure to fail and this affects the mood negatively.
Some tasks require assistance from other people like the manager’s approval so this may delay its completion. You do not want to fit in much in a day because of this way you are unable to give each task the deserved attention. It is important to organize the workspace by cleaning up the desk or computer’s desktop and setting up an efficient filing system. This saves time and prevents problems in the future.
In between the intensive workdays, it is essential to reserve some time off to restore mental health. This should be a downtime for relaxing and resting your mind and body. These are deliberate opportunities for recharging the batteries meaningfully.
On these days, take morning walks, spend time with friends and family, and eat a healthy breakfast. These are not the days to consume alcohol, use nicotine, binge on social media uses or eat junk food. This is the time for relaxing, recharging and resting with fulfilling activities.
Determine the source of anxiety and stress and identify the ones you can control. When conversations at the office make you feel rushed later, request them to allow you to work. In the times of COVID-19, maintain social distancing and the needed precautions. For the stressors that you cannot control you need support from the employers.
div class=”list-box-section”>Workplaces often have assistance programs for employees to offer to counsel or connect to resources that promote mental health. This facilitates successful anxiety management. By taking responsibility for individual wellness, it is possible to lead by example in the office.
Building solid relationships, asking for help, and improving communication benefits everyone at the workplace. Anxiety is part of life and it should not interfere with your work.
Meet with family and friends to feel positive and decrease your vulnerability to anxiety. Offload on them when needed to engage in activities and receive support. Attend classes and join clubs to feel good and this protects you against stress.
Having good relations with colleagues makes things enjoyable and you feel reduced pressure. When a colleague is difficult, avoid engaging with him or her because this makes you feel stressed out and more frustrated.
When the job allows, it is a good idea to take breaks frequently throughout the day when working. For each hour of work, take a break of ten to fifteen minutes for stretching the legs or getting fresh air.
Sitting at a place and doing work for hours daily often leads to burnout especially when staring at the computer screen continuously. The best idea is to get away from the workflow as this reduces stress, improves job satisfaction, and productivity.
Take time off for you to avoid workplace burnout so take part in the activities you love like taking a relaxing bath or going to a movie. Ruminating about the workday when it is home increases your problems.
The best way to spend the week is by balancing social activities, work, leisure, relationships, family life, daily responsibilities, and exercise. Using the annual leave allows you to disengage from work completely so you feel less stressed and refreshed upon rejoining work. Overtime should not be the norm, only an exception.
People suffering from anxiety disorder experience the symptoms of insomnia and sleep deprivation exacerbates the problem. It affects the focusing ability and mood at work. Prepare for the bed 1-2 hours before the actual time and ensure 6-8 hours of sleep daily.
Eating healthily improves mood, increases energy, and facilitates clear thinking. Avoid cakes or sweets that make blood sugar fluctuate quickly. Refined carbs and sugar cause mood swings so reduce its intake, instead eat veggies and fruits.
Lower blood sugar increases anxiety, irritability, depression, and tiredness. Frequent, small meals that maintain your sugar level is necessary so consume rice, pasta, and wholegrain bread.
For optimal hydration consume water, at least 5-8 glasses daily. Add foods like Seeds, nuts, eggs, and oily fish containing Omega-6 and -3 as this improves brain functioning.
It is necessary to remain physically active because there is a strong link between the physical and mental health of a person. Activity releases endorphins to enhance the mood and reduce stress.
Constant stress and worry at the workplace negatively impact your body and mind. Based on your situation, evaluate whether this is the right job for you. When leaving is not an option, cope with it using the right strategies as discussed. You may even channel your feelings to achieve career growth.
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